At last! Sub-Zero has introduced new ADA height compliant Undercounter Refrigeration and home builders are heralding the benefits, which go far beyond accessibility. Installing seamlessly under ADA height 34-inch-high countertops, these models are ideal for handless looks, or for use with four-inch-thick countertops. They also can eliminate the need to make expensive flooring or cabinetry adjustments when remodeling. Sub-Zero’s typical undercounter unit measure 34-1/2” high, while these new ADA models are just 32-1/2”, making them perfect for many applications.
Truly Anywhere Refrigeration
“This is ‘anywhere refrigeration’ that seamlessly and beautifully integrates into literally any space,” shared Marco Barallon, Corporate Showroom Director for Clarke, New England’s Official Sub-Zero, Wolf and Cove Showroom and Test Kitchen. “We are very excited about this new line. This makes Sub-Zero the perfect solution for so many remodeling challenges.”
Sub-Zero’s new ADA Height Units Offer Many Benefits:
- If stainless steel is the look you’d like, you’ll find both stainless steel and glass door panels with pro and tubular handle options.
- Thanks to the panel-ready design, these units can be customized to match existing cabinetry and blend into any environment.
- Nano-coated glass shelves trap liquids and make clean-up easy.
- The integrated door hinge and toe kick, along with a consistent 1/8” reveal, allow for seamless integration.
Barallon is quick to say that while these units are small, they offer the same precise engineering of full- size Sub-Zero units, allowing the temperature to be controlled within one degree of setpoint and the integrated touch control panel is easy to access. Plus, a variety of accessories are available for additional customization.
The new ADA line includes the Indoor Refrigerator, Beverage Center and Wine Storage units, each designed for maximum capacity and performance. This allows designers, home builders or remodelers to source all of their appliances from one manufacturer, which makes the transaction seamless and easier to track.
The best way for home builders, designers and homeowners to learn about this new development in refrigeration is to visit a Clarke showroom in Boston Seaport, Milford, MA or South Norwalk, CT. Members of the design and building trades can contact their Clarke representative for more information.